Sector Directory

Vaxine Pty Ltd

Vaxine was founded in 2002 as a spin out of the National Health Sciences Centre (NHSC) in Canberra to develop novel vaccine technologies. Vaxine is situated within the Flinders University precinct in Adelaide providing Vaxine with ideal opportunities for bench to bedside vaccine research and development.

Ventri Clinical

Facilitated by the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) and supported by MTPConnect, the Charles Perkins Centre at Sydney University and the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, a new network is being set-up to connect and empower Australian businesses, entities, clinicians and professionals who can conduct, contribute to or support the successful testing and study of Cardiovascular-orientated medical device innovations. This network is called Ventri Clinical.

Venture Technology Group

Venture Technology Group (VTG) aspires to be the benchmark in the delivery of end to end professional service, advice, engagement and support to achieve successful development and commercialisation of drug, device and diagnostic assets globally.


VentureBlick aims to transform healthcare fundraising by matching early-stage healthcare startups with medical investors, many of whom are potential customers or users of new medical products.

Viral Vector Manufacturing Facility Pty Ltd

VVMF has a vision to be a leading commercial viral vector contract development and manufacturing organisation (CDMO), partnering to deliver advanced therapeutic solutions to patients globally and services regionally.

Vision CRC

The Vision Cooperative Research Centre (Vision CRC) Ltd was established in 2003 under the Australian Government's Business Cooperative Research Centres Programme and funded for twelve years, from 2003-2015.


VitalTrace is a medical device company aiming to improve outcomes for mothers and children during labour and delivery.