Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) initiative

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As MTPConnect’s Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) initiative moves to completion, a new report has been released capturing the program’s impact in successfully developing and growing Australia’s life sciences sector workforce.

Over the last three and a half years, REDI has delivered training, mentoring and industry placements to more than 8,400 participants across Australia, nearly double the original target. 

The report – ‘Improving workforce skills in Australia’s medical products sector’ – was launched at a workforce capability roundtable at the BIO2024 conference in San Diego, US, with sector professionals and industry leaders from around the world in attendance. 

MTPConnect’s REDI initiative has succeeded in providing researchers with a diverse range of industry experiences and exposure to entrepreneurism, delivering:

  • Overall participation from 8,423 stakeholders, 79 per cent above original target
  • A sought-after fellowship program with 49 sector professionals placed with research-intensive companies in Australia and around the world
  • Three comprehensive skills gap analysis reports
  • 48 targeted training programs in sought-after skills like Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Quality Management Systems (QMS)
  • GMP skills for 400 new entrants and experienced manufacturing professionals
  • QMS training for 1,249 sector professionals
  • Innovation training for 119 clinician entrepreneurs – nurses, allied health professionals and doctors.

Read the REDI Impact Report to find out more about this popular and successful initiative for the life sciences sector workforce.



Australia’s medical technology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and digital health sector supports 70,000 Australian jobs and contributed more than $5 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA) to the Australian economy in 2019. Its future growth is dependent on the skills of its workforce.

Driving skills development and workforce training 

The $32 million Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) initiative is delivered by MTPConnect for the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund. REDI is providing industry experiences and skills development for students, researchers, clinicians, MTP (medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical) sector professionals, entrepreneurs and innovators. The initiative is building an industry-ready workforce with the skills and capacity to keep pace with the demands of a rapidly changing sector - for now, and the immediate future.

Launched in 2020, the three and a half year REDI initiative has built the MTP workforce, addressed skills gaps and enhanced the entrepreneurial ecosystem to: 

  • Provide a skills development blueprint across the MTP value chain through a comprehensive (‘root and branch’) skills gap analysis 
  • Deliver systemic improvement to Australia’s MTP workforce by providing industry experiences and skills development for researchers, clinicians, MTP professionals and innovators
  • Create new training, mentoring and industry placements
  • Develop an industry-ready workforce with the skills necessary to keep pace with a rapidly changing sector.

MTPConnect REDI Skills Gaps Analysis Reports

REDI has delivered a forward-looking 'root and branch' analysis of the MTP workforce to provide a deep understanding of current and future skills gaps. The Interim Report, launched in November 2020, identified priority skills gaps that need to be addressed across the sector in the near-term  

Building on the Interim Report, the second report launched in March 2021, is a comprehensive review detailing a larger range of skills gaps to address in the short, medium and long term.  

The third review, 'Positioning the MTP workforce for post-pandemic prosperity', examines skills gaps that have grown in importance because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Collectively, these three reports provide a skills development blueprint to ensure Australia’s MTP workforce is industry-ready, fit for purpose and appropriately positioned to capitalise on current and future global opportunities.

MTPConnect REDI Training Provider Opportunities

Based on the findings from the MTPConnect REDI Skills Gap reports, REDI has held competitive tenders to select quality Australian companies and organisations to close selected skills gaps of high priority.  

    MTPConnect REDI Fellowship Program

    In December 2020, the REDI Fellowship Program was launched providing grants of up to $250,000 for industry to secure Fellowships for Fellows from academia. This unique workforce initiative is giving the industry an opportunity to accelerate collaboration with a researcher, clinician or MTP professional. The focus is on priority medical research projects involving discovery, translation and commercialisation towards human health outcomes. It requires the researcher or clinician return to their home institution for a period at least equal to the term of the Fellowship.

    The REDI Three Pillar Approach Towards Addressing Skills Gaps

    Skills Gaps Addressed:

    REDI is partnering with research, training, and industry organisations to support skills development and workforce training across nine Skill Gap themes:

        Building the MTP Sector Workforce for the Future

        To ensure alignment with industry needs, leading research, industry and member organisations will contribute to the MTPConnect REDI initiative through a Steering Committee, with representation including Research Australia, CSL, Innovative Manufacturing CRC, Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA), Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Reference Committee and relevant State departments. This collaborative and inclusive approach will enable an exhaustive identification of shortages, strengths and competitive advantage for Australia’s MTP sector. View the announcement here

        For further information please contact Director REDI initiative Jarrod Belcher.

           REDI Podcasts

           REDI Case Studies

           REDI Partners