
Women in Life Sciences Lunch

  • 31 Jul 2024
  • 11:30AM
  • Save to my Calendar
  • 3 Hackett Drive, Matilda Bay Restaurant, Crawley, WA, Australia

Life Sciences WA


About the Event

Life Sciences WA in partnership with the WILD for STEM program, is delighted to invite you to our Women in Life Sciences Lunch.

Our WA life sciences sector is growing because of women leaders. The lunch is a celebration and an opportunity for these current and aspiring leaders to network, connect and learn from their colleagues.

We invite women and men to join us as supporters of positive change in the life sciences sector.

Special Guests

Stephen Dawson - Honourable Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and the Digital Economy; Science; Medical Research; Minister Assisting the Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade.

Nina Webster, CEO of Dimerix, is the inspiring keynote speaker, and will lead the conversation on her experiences and strategies for success.

A panel of leaders will discuss how to strategically grow a successful career in a sector in which barriers often still exist for women. Panel members include: Kelly Pearce, Director, Western Australian Agricultural Research Collaboration, Alma Fulurija, WILD for STEM WA Ambassador, Co-founder and Director, Biotome and Team Lead, Strep A Vaccines, Telethon Kids Institute, and Samantha South, Adjunct Research Fellow at UWA.

About Life Sciences WA


Life Sciences WA is the peak body for life sciences in Western Australia. Our members represent all areas of the diverse life sciences ecosystem, and our mission is to accelerate the success of the life sciences in our state. Women are the majority of domestic university enrolments in health, agriculture and environmental studies and, natural and physical sciences but only a small proportion reach the leadership level. A situation which Life Sciences WA is committed to improving through these types of events.

About WILD for STEM Program


Only 8% of STEM CEOs are women. WILD for STEM is working to change that. WILD for STEM is committed to empowering women with the knowledge, skills and support they need to excel in STEM leadership positions. We envision a future where STEM leadership is diverse, dynamic, and driven by women who are not just participants but pioneers. Diversity in thinking and leadership benefits everyone – and the STEM sector is no exception. We have witnessed first-hand the positive impact when women are given the opportunity to lead. At WILD, we are committed to a future where women not only have a seat at the table, but also set the agenda. WILD for STEM provides the opportunity for women leaders to observe boards, complete the AICD Company Directors Course, and learn from and network with peers.