
7th Annual Bio Connections Australia

Informa Connect


About the Event

The 7th Annual Bio Connections Australia will return to Melbourne in 29th July 2024 in the Crown Promenade Melbourne.

Bio Connections Australia is an annual event for the biotech industry which provides a unique platform for networking, discussion and thought leadership. The conference focuses on translating medical research into commercialisation, drug discovery and development, early phase clinical trials and expediting Australia’s great science into commercialisation.

Bringing together key industry stakeholders from across the ecosystem: biotech’s (both domestic and international), pharma, med tech’s, VC’s, and other investors, regulators, government, MRI’s, CRO’s, trial sites, universities and clinical trial networks. This 1 day event is a highlight on the ecosystems calendar ensuring ample Q&A, networking and talks from industry leaders.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • Investing for Impact
  • Getting the Most Out of Your Partnerships
  • Trailblazing Success for Australian Biotech’s
  • Setting Up a Special Purpose Vehicle and Why?
  • How do we get the Best Support from Government?
  • Clinical Innovations in Clinical Trial Recruitment
  • Why Almost all Clinical Trials Will Occur in the AI World
  • The Key to a Successful Capital Raise & Non-Dilutive Funding
  • Achieving Scale in Worlds Best Practice in Development in the Next 5-10 years: What Would This Take?
  • Navigating the Pathway to Success